This is a comprehensive step by step guide for every business analyst aspirants. It provides a systematic and detailed guide to help you plan your approach to become a business analyst. The new edition, published in 2018 has been in the pipeline for some time but I was unable to do so for lack of time.I wanted to add a business analysis (BA) basics chapter to cover the fundamentals of business analysis. So here I am, chapter 9 covers the business analysis basics chapter. This chapter also provides a full case study to help you understand the fundamentals better.A new section namely what is business analysis, is also added in chapter 2. In addition, I have also modified the roadmap to becoming a business analyst as well as business analyst certifications chapter with latest information on certifications with an approach to select the right certification.Now this book has 3 times the number of pages than the previous edition. Though the price has not gone up by 3 times as of now. Will be happy to know about your feedbacks and appreciations. Waiting to hear from you…