Most of us have an idea in our minds, a vision we carry of the person we want to be and the work we want to be doing in the world. When asked: “What do you want?” we might say we don’t know or we might say we don’t know ‘how’ to get there. Our brains search for what would help us bridge the gap from now to our vision, and ways to clarify our vision. We wish it were easy action steps or marketing ideas or just deciding to get clear and have what we want. In our hearts we know there’s something inside us could be getting in the way. This book is about just that, TURN is the bridge from where we are to the version of ourselves we most long to become."TURN is an inspirational read, and a magnificently simple approach to get congruent with who you are and what you are capable of. Clara’s 4-Step approach to get in touch with what might be impeding your professional progress… and to move it out of your way – is powerful! This is a must-read for those wanting to accelerate their careers, pivot to a new career path, or transition back into the work place." John Appelgren, Executive Career Coach / Consultant, Lee Hecht Harrison .In this book by Clara Chorley you will:Get Clear– Clarify what you want in your career or job.Get Confident– Learn a process to get the parts of you that are afraid, doubtful or confused, aligned and working together.Get Going– Outline your strategy (there’s an outline in the book to get you started) and start taking action steps.TURN will give you tools, ideas, inspiration and reminders that you can use to move through any struggle and arrive at clarity and the results you want, sooner! You’ll find that you believe more in what you are capable of. You will see yourself as even more courageous, brave, powerful and resourceful than perhaps you realized.